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Duo County Telephone Cooperative Hosts 2014 Annual Meeting

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On June 3rd, 2014, Duo County Telephone Cooperative members filed in to the Russell County High School Gymnasium for the Cooperative’s Annual Membership Meeting.

Prior to the meeting the members received their annual patronage dividend checks in the mail. The total dividend payout this year was $790,914.30. 2014 which marks the 26th consecutive year that Duo County Telephone has returned dividend checks to their members, totaling nearly $19 million dollars. 

With over 450 members in attendance, the meeting began at 7 PM when Duo County Telephone’s Attorney, H.K. Cooper, brought the meeting to order. The minutes of last year’s meeting were approved and the trustees were introduced. They are William Norris of Cumberland County (President), Jerry D. Roy of Russell Springs (Vice President), Sharon Hill of Jamestown (Secretary), Dr. James E. Monin of Jamestown, Joe Sparks of Adair County, Randy Hart of Russell Springs, and Douglas Butler of Cumberland County.

Following the introduction of the Trustees, Duo County Telephone’s CEO, Thomas Preston, updated the Cooperative’s members on the financial status of the company as well as the technological advancements Duo County has made during the past fiscal year including the My Duo Smartphone application.

Following the adjournment of the meeting, names were drawn for the door prizes. The grand prizewinners were: DeHart and Cooper Law Office ($100 Special Cash Drawing), Joyce Popplewell (55″ HDTV) and Bob and Annette Auth (iPad Air).


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