DUO Broadband was proud to participate in the Russell County Library’s “Community Helpers” program this past Friday. The program is part of the library’s summer Family Fun Fridays to promote learning in the summer.
DUO Broadband brought a bucket truck and personnel to let the kids get an up close and personal view of this piece of machinery. “They just loved seeing the bucket truck up close and learning about how it is used,” said Ginger Stamp, RCPL Children’s Librarian. “I saw many children wearing their DUO County Bucket hats. Little things like that make their day.”
The festivities lasted two hours, and over 120 people participated. “Children learn best through experiences, and [DUO Broadband] provided a great launching point for them to expand their interests,” said Stapp.
“We had a lot of fun sharing with all the kids,” said Sherry Selby, Business Account Manager at DUO Broadband. “They asked some good questions and seemed to find the equipment fascinating.” Selby was joined by Paul Coffey, an Install and Repair technician at DUO.
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