We would be happy to discuss your telecommunication and networking needs. A phone consultation and/or a site visit will allow us to offer customized services tailored to your business. DUO Broadband provides business services to Adair, Casey, Clinton, Cumberland, Russell, and Taylor counties.
Answering this form will allow DUO Broadband to add a new service for your business or prepare us for your consultation. Required Fields are marked with an (*).
Help us improve customer service.
Adair Co./Columbia, 270-378-4141
Casey Co./Liberty, 877-343-3131
Clinton Co./Albany, 877-343-3131
Cumberland Co./Burkesville, 270-433-2121
Russell Co./Headquarters, 270-343-3131
877-343-3131 (long distance toll-free)
Taylor Co./Campbellsville, 877-343-3131
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Representative now.
(Monday - Friday, 7 am - 4 pm)
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