As DUO Broadband continues to celebrate our 70th year we’ve enjoyed reflecting on how much has changed during our existence. We recently found some old employee newsletters that brought back memories, including this little article describing to employees a new thing called the Internet. We saw promise at the time, but little did we know what it would become! Here is the article as it appeared in 1995.
You can read more about DUO’s past in on our History page, and if you have a story from the past 70 years of our service, we would love to hear it!
October, 1995
INTERNET – The Future is Here!
Duo County Telephone Cooperative is making a service available to our customers that will turn their computers into an on-ramp to what is becoming the Information Superhighway.
The Internet, in its simplest form, is a network of more than a million computers being used by almost 40 million people from Bowling Green to Hong Kong, Louisville to London. Major universities, corporations, non-profit organizations, governments and private individuals have opened up their electronic doorways, allowing Internet users access to their vast amounts of information on every subject and subtopic imaginable.
The Internet takes you inside these computers where you will have access to educational resources, be able to make travel arrangements, receive up-to-the-minute news and financial reports or visit an on-line shopping mall. You will be able to send E-mail messages to your family and friends all over the world. You can even E-mail the President of the United States at the White House if you know his Internet address!
By the end of the year, local dial access to the Internet for all Duo County customers will be just a phone call away. Anyone with at least a 386 computer and a 9600 baud modem will be able to access the features and information services of the Internet. Duo County will offer a full array of Internet services such as Telnet, FTP, E-mail, News Groups, Web Surfing and more. Our customers will be able to access these Internet services without paying long distance charges.
Duo County has been a leader in bringing the latest technology to its customers. And with the addition of Internet, we will make the world available to every business, school and home in our service area.