Your Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) Rights

DUO Broadband Company and its affiliated companies provide a vast array of telecommunications and video services including local, long distance, wireless, Internet access and video. In this notice, we want to assure you that we always take great care in the way that we handle sensitive information that pertains to your account for telecommunications services, known as Customer Proprietary Network Information or CPNI. We also provide you with an opportunity to let us know if you do not want us to use your CPNI data to market new service offerings to you.

Restrictions Apply To The Way We Use CPNI

CPNI includes the type, technical arrangement, quantity, destination and amount of use of telecommunications services and related billing for those services. Thus, CPNI contains very sensitive and personal information. Please be aware that it is your right to have this information treated confidentially and DUO Broadband has an obligation under federal law to treat all information that relates to your CPNI, including your calling and billing information, in a confidential manner. Internet access and Video services are not covered by federal CPNI laws or rules, but are addressed in our Privacy Policy which can be found here: Privacy Statement, covering use of our website and in our Internet Disclosures and Policies which can be found here: Internet Disclosures Policies

Only DUO Broadband and its authorized agents will use your CPNI. Your CPNI will not be shared by DUO Broadband and its agents with any other company or entity without your approval, except to provide the service or services to which you are already subscribed, or where we are required or authorized by law, regulation or other controlling authority to share this information with an outside party.

May We Use Your CPNI To Better Inform You Of Other Service Offerings?

With this in mind, we would like you to know that Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) regulations give you a choice – a choice about how DUO Broadband can use your CPNI to let you know about innovative service offerings or service packages that you may not have anticipated or known were available to you.

You will also be able to enjoy savings and may even be able to combine all these services on one monthly bill. Under FCC rules, DUO Broadband is allowed to share your CPNI among its divisions or affiliates that provide services to which you do not already subscribe, unless you tell us otherwise. If you do NOT want DUO Broadband to share your CPNI with its affiliates that provide services to which you do not already subscribe, you may “opt out” by notifying us within 30 days of signing up for service. DUO Broadband also gives annual notice of your CPNI rights and allows a 30-day period for CPNI opt-out. You may opt out in one of the following ways:

• Call DUO Broadband office at our toll-free number (877) 343-3131 within 30 days to register your request. Please call between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Central time.

• Use the tear-off postage-paid card that will be mailed to you in the CPNI notification brochure to register your request by marking the indicated box and signing the card. You may then either mail the postcard or enclose it with your next payment.

• E-mail DUO Broadband at

Be sure to include in your e-mail the name that appears on your account with DUO Broadband, the telephone number associated with your account and a statement that you wish DUO Broadband to “restrict use of my CPNI.”

“Opting Out” Does Not Affect Your Current Service

The opt-out restriction will remain in effect until you notify us otherwise. Restricting use of your CPNI will not affect the services that you currently have with DUO Broadband. Please note that restricting your CPNI will not eliminate all of our marketing contacts with you. You could still receive marketing contacts from us that are not based on your CPNI. Also, FCC rules permit DUO Broadband to use your CPNI to contact you about additional service offerings related to the services to which you already subscribe or to market other service offerings with your permission in the context of a customer service call.

You Can Always Change Your Mind
You can always change your mind about DUO Broadband’s use of CPNI simply by telling us. Your instructions will remain in effect until you revoke or limit that approval or denial. Please be aware that every two years, we send notices similar to this one to remind customers of their options. Whether you decide to opt out or not, DUO Broadband is committed to continuing to provide you with the same high quality services that you have come to expect from us.

If you have any questions or would like additional information regarding our use of CPNI, please contact Customer Service:

Russell 270-343-3131
Adair 270-378-4141
Cumberland 270-433-2121

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