DUO Rolls Out Major Enhancements to the Free YOUDUO App

DUO Broadband begins 2025 with expanded functionality and enhanced security for the YOUDUO app, the smartphone app that connects to the GigaSpire BLAST router to control your DUO Max WiFi network. These services are free and included in the latest version of the YOUDUO app. The new “Experience IQ” allows subscribers to easily create and Continue Reading
Congressman James Comer Visits DUO Broadband

We were pleased to welcome Congressman James Comer at our Jamestown headquarters yesterday to discuss federal broadband funding for rural providers like DUO Broadband. Comer spoke specifically with members of our board of directors, our staff, and Tyler Campbell, the executive director of the Kentucky Rural Broadband Association, about the importance of sustainable universal service Continue Reading
“The Future is Here” …a Blast from the Past!

As DUO Broadband continues to celebrate our 70th year we’ve enjoyed reflecting on how much has changed during our existence. We recently found some old employee newsletters that brought back memories, including this little article describing to employees a new thing called the Internet. We saw promise at the time, but little did we know Continue Reading
Mattie Sullivan
“I remember dial up Internet. You couldn’t use your phone if you were going online.” — DUO began offering ‘dial-up’ internet access in 1996. While it did allow people to connect to the internet from home for the first time, it wasn’t until the introduction of DSL connections (beginning in 2000) that you could use Continue Reading
Rhonda Redmon
“I remember party lines and being able to dial a ‘6’ and then the remaining four numbers to call someone local.” — In the earlier days of DUO’s telephone service you could shortcut the Jamestown and Russell Spring prefix (343 and 866 respectively) with just the last digit: “3” for Jamestown and “6” for Russell Continue Reading
Shannon Blanton
I was an early internet user. Took computer classes back in the late 80’s and a college class in ‘91, connected to the internet shortly after it was made available to the public in ‘93. I am an information junkie and once I signed up with AOL by using one of those free discs they Continue Reading
Christopher Roberts
“I’m not that old but I remember when Jamestown had a 502 area code and the old school caller IDs. And then there was dial up internet.” — Area code 270 became the new number to remember in 1999.
Janet Clark
“Back in the day when there was party lines my aunt used to pick up and listen to whoever was talking to someone else. She would wind up coughing and give away she was listening so she would join the conversation.” — For those too young to remember ‘party lines,’ a party line was a Continue Reading
Karen Hopper
My daddy Welby Thomas worked for RECC as a Foreman/Lineman for 35 1/2 years. He began in the 60’s. The RECC Co Op provided us with a landline phone at that time to receive outage calls from customers and was one of the first to have such. I remember daddy working very closely with Duo Continue Reading
DUO Broadband Marks 70 Years of Service

DUO Broadband, a leading regional provider of fiber-optic internet and telephone services, is proud to announce the celebration of its 70th anniversary. Founded in 1954, DUO Broadband has been at the forefront of telecommunications, providing innovative solutions and comprehensive service to the residents and businesses of Southern Kentucky.