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Maximize your WiFi speed & coverage

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Now is a good time to evaluate and freshen up your WiFi network. Maybe you added some new smart home devices, like security cameras or a home monitoring system. Maybe your family has more personal devices or you’ve finished that den or home gym in the basement and you need to improve your WiFi signal to reach everywhere.

Luckily it doesn’t have to be difficult to make your WiFi network the best it can be. We can help. The first thing to consider is your equipment; where is it placed in your home and how old is it? 

Equipment Location Matters

Even the most advanced routers will be unable to send optimal signal if they are tucked away in a closet or cabinet. While Internet equipment isn’t always attractive, it must be out in the open to function properly. Your router should also be centrally located. And a higher location is generally better than a lower one. Barriers like stone, brick or concrete walls will drastically reduce the signal strength, so keep this in mind when choosing a location for your own router.

Look for WiFi6 “Certified”
Is your router WiFi 6 certified? Only the newer models can be WiFi 6 (802.11ax) certified. But look carefully at the label and specifications. You want it to read “Certified.”  If the specifications on your router says WiFi 6 “compliant” or “compatible” it will NOT give you the maximum performance from your network and devices. Keep in mind, if your router is more than two years old, then most likely it’s out of date  enough to significantly slow down your network speeds and should be replaced. 

If you need to replace your router there are countless options available. Shopping for routers can be overwhelming and complicated, and the most advanced routers can cost as much as several hundred dollars. Luckily, DUO Broadband makes it simple and affordable to have the most advanced WiFi equipment without the research, setup and expense of purchasing your own equipment. The GigaSpire BLAST smart router with uses the most advanced WiFi 6 technology available, and continually updates itself to keep your network optimized.

An added bonus of the GigaSpire BLAST router from DUO Broadband allows you to completely manage your network from the palm of your hand using the YOUDUO App, the free, easy to use command center.


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