Set up parental controls using the YOUDUO app

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One of the most appealing features of the YOUDUO App is the ability to set up parental controls. The YOUDUO app makes it easy to set your own parameters for different devices on your network!

It’s easy to set up basic parental controls:

  • In your main YOUDUO dashboard tap the Plus symbol to create a person profile.
  • Tap Add People from the screen, then add a name and select the devices (Things) that you would like to add to this profile.
  • Your new profile will now appear in the People section. To control the profile and devices connected to it tap the profile.

You can pause the Internet with the Internet Access toggle, or set time limits for devices. Be sure you don’t add the device with the YOUDUO app to this profile, or you may cut off your own access to these controls.

Don’t have the app? Download it from Google Play or the Apple App Store. The app is designed to function with the GigaSpire router available from DUO Broadband to make the most of your high speed Internet.   
