FBI Issues an Alert About New E-mail Scam

fbi seal

[WARNING] The FBI issued an alert about a new scam you need to be aware of. This is an email you receive which threatens to make public all your personal, and sometimes very private information unless you pay a ransom in an electronic currency called Bitcoin.

It is easy to get intimidated by threats like this, and you might be pushed into trying to prevent possible negative consequences. However, do not fall for pressure tactics like this, because if you do, your data will be sold to other scammers who will continue to haunt you.

If you receive email extortion demands, do not answer, and do not pay anything. Report this scam to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) instead. Here is their website: http://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx

To learn more about this threat, read this FBI article.

Remember… Always Think Before You Click!


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