2022 Annual Meeting sees big turnout

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Thanks to everyone who attended!

This year’s annual meeting was a huge success, with over 600 in attendance, over 300 members and 24 exciting door prizes given away!

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See this year’s winners…


Make plans to attend the 2022 Annual Meeting!

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The Annual Meeting of the members of Duo County Telephone Cooperative Corp., Inc. will be held TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 2022 at 7:00 P.M. CDT (registration will begin at 6:00 P.M.) at the RUSSELL COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL gymnasium, located on Highway 127 between Russell Springs and Jamestown, for the purpose of electing Trustees and transacting such other business as may come before the meeting. In accordance with the bylaws, the Cooperative’s Board consists of seven (7) Trustees. Three (3) Trustees are to be elected by the members at this Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee met April 11, 2022 and nominated the following candidates to serve as Trustees, subject to the vote of the members:

  • Russell Springs Exchange – Randy Hart
  • Cumberland Exchange – William Norris
  • Jamestown Exchange – Sharon Hill

All cooperative members in attendance will be issued a number and will be eligible for a variety of valuable prizes. 

This is your Cooperative. Your attendance and support are greatly appreciated.

DUO Managed WiFi is the key to your smart home!

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Smart homes make your life easier, and now making your home a smart home is easier than ever. Devices are more affordable and easier to use. Setup for most devices is simple, requiring little more than a smartphone and a reliable WiFi connection. Do-it-yourself home security systems are also more common, allowing users to install, set up, personalize, and monitor it yourself.

And thanks to improved integration, more devices can communicate with each other to expand the possibilities for customizing your own smart home. To work optimally, the latest smart home technology requires fast, reliable high speed Internet using WiFi 6 technology. DUO Broadband’s GigaSpire BLAST router is always up to date with the latest WiFi technology. And our GigaMesh extenders provide seamless, targeted coverage to outlying devices. Learn more about DUO’s managed WiFi and how it can help you.

DUO Broadband announces Business Team

news business team new2 1200DUO Business Team from left to right: Lisa Back, Julie Grant, Eric West, and Sherry Selby

Lisa Back and Julie Grant join Eric West and Sherry Selby to form a team serving the telecommunications needs of businesses in all communities DUO Broadband serves. Lisa brings twelve years of customer service experience and Julie Grant, with four years in customer service, will focus on the expanding markets of Albany, Burkesville, Campbellsville, Columbia, and Liberty.

Julie and Lisa join Business Account Manager, Sherry Selby, a 15-year DUO Broadband veteran, who serves Campbellsville but provides assistance in all markets as needed. Eric West, Director of Business Operations with 22 years experience, rounds out the team and focuses on Russell County. The Business Team has the resources and flexibility to provide professional, knowledgable service for all DUO Broadband business customers.


Dean Roy Retires after 30 years of service.

Recently we gathered to honor Dean Roy’s retirement after 30 years with DUO Broadband. We wish Dean a long and happy retirement!

Dean and tom 1200Dean pictured with DUO Broadband CEO, Tom Preston.


2021 Employee Service Awards

On December 23, 2021 DUO Broadband held our annual Christmas party and recognized employee milestones with our annual Service Awards:


Extend your WiFi coverage

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Maybe you’ve noticed your WiFi signal isn’t as strong in certain areas of your home or business. Even with the most advanced routers, some places are just too large or have too many obstacles that may block the signal (a brick or stone fireplace or block wall, for example). What can you do if your WiFi signal doesn’t reach all the places you need it to? The answer is to extend your network.

There are two ways to extend your WiFi network:


Maximize your WiFi speed & coverage

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Now is a good time to evaluate and freshen up your WiFi network. Maybe you added some new smart home devices, like security cameras or a home monitoring system. Maybe your family has more personal devices or you’ve finished that den or home gym in the basement and you need to improve your WiFi signal to reach everywhere.

Luckily it doesn’t have to be difficult to make your WiFi network the best it can be. We can help. The first thing to consider is your equipment; where is it placed in your home and how old is it? 

Equipment Location Matters


An in-depth guide to streaming

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While many people are still new to streaming, it has become easier to try thanks to the availability of smart TVs which eliminate the need for an additional device that plugs into your TV. For those who have cable television, the new smart TVs still work with the cable set-top boxes, but they also can play streaming content.

Streaming Services
Streaming services provide the content you watch via the Internet. Some streaming services are free and some are subscription-based.



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Do you have the bandwidth to make it through Thanksgiving? Have you added a new smart TV or new devices? Do you often have guests who need to connect to WiFi? How much bandwidth do you need anyway?


Set up a guest network using the YOUDUO app

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You’re sure to have guests in your home who will need to use WiFi. The YOUDUO app has a simple guest network feature so you can share access to your network without sharing your primary network password.


Set up parental controls using the YOUDUO app

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One of the most appealing features of the YOUDUO App is the ability to set up parental controls. The YOUDUO app makes it easy to set your own parameters for different devices on your network!
